
ICPO Conference
June 2011



Future requirements
for flood risk management
and sustainable water management
in the Oder river basin


The International Commission for the Protection of the Oder River from Pollution (ICPO) on 20 – 21 June 2011 organized a Conference entitled “Future requirements for flood risk management and balanced water management” which took place in Mercure Panorama Hotel in Wroclaw, Dominikanski Square 1.


From the left: Janusz Wi¶niewski,
Heidrun Jung, Heide Jekel, Miroslav Král,
Pavel Punèocháø

Pavel Punèocháø, Chairman of the Commission


The aim of the conference was to exchange experiences and practices in the field of flood protection the Oder river basin on the area of Poland, the Czech Republic and Germany, connected with Flood Directive Implementation and the first cycle of planning, with the accordance with Water Framework Directive. During the conference there were discussed the issues concerning flooding risk, preventive spatial planning, and the requirements in the scope of balanced water management on the international level.

The conference was divided into two thematic blocks: “The flood risk management at the International Basin Area of Oder River” and “The requirements for sustainable water management on the international level”, then divided into the following sessions:


1. Water Framework Directive requirements and implementation

2. Risk and flood danger in the Oder river basin

3. Hydraulic engineering and ecology according to spatial planning

4. Further implementation of the Flood Directive

5. Monitoring


From the left: Anna Jêdrzejczak, Magdalena Stanecka

Piotr Barañski, executive manager of ICPO secretariat


The conference functioned as a platform for disseminating the knowledge in the scope of Flood Directive Implementation, flood safety,as well as technical infrastructure planning in flood protection in the connection to the spatial planning and fulfilling the requirements of Water Framework Directive.




Additionally, the conference was accompanied by an exhibition of art works. The authors were children, the laureates of “River in the eye of a child” contest, organized in 2010 by ICPO. The contest was addressed to the 4th-grade pupils from randomly chosen primary schools in Lower Silesian Voivodship.




Session 1 – Water Framework Directive requirements and implementation


From the left: Daniel Assfeld, Sven-Henrik Kleber, Martin Socher,
Josef Reidinger, Janusz Wi¶niewski (Moderator)



Josef Reidinger
Ministerstvo ¾ivotního prostøedí ÈR, Praha
„The concept of Water Framework Directive implementation in the Odra river basin”


Martin Socher
Sächsisches Staatsministerium für Umwelt
und Landwirtschaft, Dresden

„Flood Risk Management in the Lusiatian Neisse river basin – with particular focus on flood situation from year 2010”


Janusz Wi¶niewski
Krajowy Zarz±d Gospodarki Wodnej, Warszawa
„The ISOK Project as an example of Flood Directive implementation in Poland”.


Sven-Henrik Kleber
Bundesanstalt für Gewässerkunde, Koblenz
"The solutions in GeoPortal, designed to meet the needs of EC directives implementation, concerning water in the context of both, WISE system and INSPIRE directive"


Daniel Assfeld
Internationale Kommissionen zum Schutze
der Mosel und der Saar, Trier

"Water Framework Directive implementation in other countries, exampled on the international river basin of Moselle and Saar"

Session 2 – Flooding risk in the Oder river basin


From the left: Petra Walther, Ryszard Kosierb, Petr Bøezina, Lukáš Pavlas,
Martin Socher (Moderator)




Lukáš Pavlas
Povodí Odry s.p., Ostrava
"Flooding risk in the Czech part of International Oder River Basin"

Petr Bøezina
Povodí Odry s.p., Ostrava
"The characteristics of flood events in year 2009 and 2010 in the Czech Republic and gathered experiences"


Ryszard Kosierb
Instytut Meteorologii i Gospodarki Wodnej, Wroc³aw
"The flood in Poland in 2010 – the causes and process"


Petra Walther
Sächsisches Landesamt für Umwelt, Landwirtschaft und Geologie, Dresden
"Modelling of the hydrologic processes"


Session 3 - Hydraulic engineering and ecology according to spatial planning


From the left: Krzysztof Kitowski, Georg Rast, Michal Pravec,
Josef Reidinger (Moderator)



Michal Pravec
Ministerstvo ¾ivotního prostøedí ÈR, Praha
"The design of hydraulic engineering facilities in the flood protection - the risk and benefits in relation to WFD"


Georg Rast
WWF Deutschland, Frankfurt am Main
"The ecology of flood protection on the example of dyke Domaszków-Tarchalice displacement"


Krzysztof Kitowski
Regionalny Zarz±d Gospodarki Wodnej, Wroc³aw
"Spatial planning and its role in flood protection"

Session 4 - Further implementation of the Flood Directive


From the left: Pavel Punèocháø, Philip Weller, Piotr Piórkowski,
Ludìk Trdlica (Moderator)




Ludìk Trdlica
Výzkumný ústav vodohospodáøský TGM, v.v.i., Ostrava
"Experiences with the development of
I International Water Management Plan for International Oder River Basin”


Piotr Piórkowski
Krajowy Zarz±d Gospodarki Wodnej, Warszawa
" Geoportal as a tool supporting the process of implementing the Water Framework Directive"


Philip Weller
Internationale Kommission zum Schutz der Donau, Wien
“Common development of water policy in the international river basin of the Danube River”


Pavel Punèocháø
Ministerstvo zemìdìlství èr, Praha
"Development of the International Commission for Protection of the Oder River against Pollution (ICPO) by the year 2015 and later"


Session 5 - Monitoring


From the left: Pavel Punèocháø, Bogus³aw Kazimierski,Petr Tušil,
Franz Schöll (Moderator)




Petr Tušil
Výzkumný ústav vodohospodáøský TGM, v.v.i., Ostrava
”Ecological and chemical status of surface water on IODRB”


Bogus³aw Kazimierski
Pañstwowy Instytut Geologiczny, Warszawa
"Quantitative and chemical status of groundwater on IODRB”

Last update: 2023.09.15