
of G5 "Data Management" Working Group

Wroc³aw, 5-6 June 2018



On June 5-6, 2018, a GIS workshop organized by the G5 "Data Management" Working Group of the International Commission for the Protection of the Odra River against Pollution took place in Wroc³aw. The workshop was the first of their kind and was attended by representatives of offices, institutions and companies involved in the implementation of GIS solutions from all three countries of the Odra river basin district.


The first day of the workshop was marked by geo-portals. The speakers presented map services of the international river commissions of Odra and Danube, their construction, functionalities and the way they are administered. After the presentation of the German WasserBLIcK platform, other speakers discussed the implementation of the INSPIRE directive in the field of water management and geodata infrastructure, including the use of open source products. The summary of this day was a speech concerning data management for the purpose of modelling the emission of biogenic substances for the International Oder River Basin Area.


On the second day, the focus was on the use of satellite data. Speakers from Poland and Germany presented in detail the Copernicus programme, which uses satellites to acquire terrestrial data, and discussed the use of Copernicus data in Poland and Germany. Finally, the topic of the update of water bodies in the Czech Republic was addressed. This report was part of a working panel on the harmonisation of boundary and transboundary water bodies in the Oder river basin. During the panel, participants discussed the experiences of individual countries in the approach to the harmonisation of water bodies and the challenges they still face.


We would like to thank all the speakers once again for their interesting presentations and the participants for their numerous coming and active participation in the discussions. Listening to your opinions at the end of this workshop, we believe that it will be possible to hold it periodically, so that the progress and achievements of the ICPO as well as any new developments in GIS can be presented on an ongoing basis.


The papers in pdf format can be found below.

Alex Höbart
(International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River)

Ralf Busskamp
(Bundesanstalt für Gewässerkunde)

Ramon Hiemcke
(Landesamt für Landwirtschaft, Umwelt und ländliche Räume des Landes Schleswig-Holstein)

Ulrich Rothstein
(terrestris GmbH & Co. KG)

Marta Bedryj
(Przewodnicz±ca GR G5 „Zarz±dzanie danymi“ w MKOOpZ; IMGW-PIB Poznañ)

Iris Ehlert
(Contact Point for Copernicus National Marine Services Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH))

Markus Neteler
(mundialis GmbH & Co. KG)

Jan Pryzowicz
(PGW Wody Polskie KZGW)

Tomáš Fojtík
(VÚV T.G.M, v.v.i.)


Last update: 2018.06.26