On 9 December we hosted at the headquarters of Secretariat the representatives of Chinese Ministry of Water Resources, along with two representatives of UNESCO Institute for Water Education.
Delegation from China spent a week in Europe. The main purpose of the visit was to exchange experiences related to the development and implementation of existing policy guidelines for water management.
Representatives of the Ministry expressed their interest in cooperation between Poland, Germany and Czech Republic in the frames of water management on transboundary waters within ICPO.
Visit in the Secretary began with the warm welcome and introduction of the respective participants of the meeting.
After the presentation of the activities carried out within ICPO, a representative of the Chinese Department of Water and Soil Conservation discussed the main achievements in this field in China, presented the objectives and measures for water and soil conservation. There were also discussed the flood control and drought relief in China.
Guests invited by the Secretariat, in the person of Mr Gerard Winkelmann - Oei from the Federal Environment Agency and Mr Petr Březina from the Povodí Odry s.p., gave their presentations on riskmanagement on the transboundary river network in the UNECE region and water management on the Czech-Polish transboundary rivers.
After the final presentation depicting the respective stages of preparing expert maps for European Commission in the Secretariat, there was a discussion concerning all of the mentioned issues. Both sides agreed that a common exchange of experience helps and encourages to further efforts.